Most of elementary schools in Quebec is closed due to snow storm that we may experience today. Christian is doing inventory job at work, so he has to go to work no matter what. He called from work, telling me how high the pile of snow is out there. He thought that I did not see anything since I did not go out. In fact, I saw the bright white snow piling up every where. From my window, I saw some kids playing around outside our apartment too. They threw snow into each other and then giggled...what a nice view.
We are planning to go out and play outside if Christian could go home a bit early today. Well, not so sure though...coz inventory normally takes a lot of his time. Finger crossed then!
I will tell you if it really happens...okay? For now, I just stop here and show you the picture of Christian's bike at our balcony. Enjoy!
i think for this kind of template is different thing when u placed a picture on your side bar try to arrange the width and the high you can see this on my post with the tittle mempercepat loading blog dan situs.
Thx advice-nya yah..
Nti Senin gw tengokin ke blog elo..Weekend ini blom sempat.
Salam kenal juga!
heheeh makasih dah dateng lagi wahh semangat posting ya mbak biar biar makin banyak kontennya... bagus nih blognya... bye
Pandi Merdeka
We are researchers at the University of Texas and University at Buffalo working to better understand people's blogging behavior, and you are an ideal candidate to help. We would like very much to hear from you, and would greatly appreciate your time and willingness to respond.
Without your help, this kind of research would be impossible.
Please take a few minutes to read and answer the questionnaire on our research Web site: It should take about 10 minutes of your time, and your answers will be very valuable.
Your identity will be protected because responses will be coded to provide anonymity; No personal names will be used. Of course, this is voluntary- by completing the survey you give your consent to participate. If you have any questions about the study or the questionnaire, please do not hesitate contacting us at your convenience. In the near future, we will be happy to share our results with you.
Thank you.
Chyng-Yang Jang & Michael Stefanone
Chyng-Yang Jang
Assistant Professor
Department of Communication
University of Texas at Arlington
P.O. Box 19107
Arlington, Tx 76019, USA
cyjang AT uta DOT edu
(+1) 817-272-4142
Michael Stefanone
Assistant Professor
Department of Communication
The State University of New York at Buffalo
359 Baldy Hall
Buffalo, New York 14260
ms297 AT buffalo DOT edu
+1 716-645-2141
I did the survey and I would like to hear the outcome of your research.
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